Saturday, October 8, 2016

BONOBOS Among us

The evolution of our human species teaches a lot about our selves, not just our overt behavior patterns but fundamental drives and motivations; like sex, aggression, dominance and empathy.
BONOBOS are Central African apes said to be our closest genetic relatives, more so than their neighboring chimpanzee relatives . They are highly intelligent and can learn 500 words and how to communicate by computer.  They form communities marked by high levels of sexual behavior governed by strict rules. Both heterosexual and homosexual patterns occur. They are not monogamous.

In short, many human behavior patterns occur, both social and antisocial, including  pedophilia, dominant sexuality and random acts of aggression and violence.
But interestingly, it is mainly the females in Bonobo culture who control most of this antisocial male behavior. Their society is matriarchal unlike their genetically close chimp relatives. Empathy for children is largely the role of females. Though physically weaker, the females band together, to control violence and protect the babies.

What's the difference of Bonobo culture and our own? One important feature is the greater human social controls over impulsive and violent behavior. Dominant sexual behavior by males is regulated by strong social and legal rules in all human societies. Strong punishments are mandated for impulsively breaking mores regarding dominating male sexual behavior.
No surprise that even very powerful figures among us receive universal condemnation when breaking the rules regarding behavior to females.

Stay tuned to further debates to see the effects of impulsive uncontrolled dominant sexuality.